How work ‘works’ in the cloud — and how to make it work for you
We are in the midst of a fundamental revolution in how we work, what we do, and who lives a good life. 47% of jobs may be gone by 2030. Of the jobs that aren’t destroyed, 85% of them have yet to be invented, and will be in the form of ‘gigs’. While fear gets the headline, the reality is unparalleled opportunity for a new type of worker - the changemaker - those who consistently create 10x outcomes. We can all be changemakers. It doesn’t matter our age, industry, or location. A 45-year-old healthcare worker in Cincinatti is just as capable as a 26-year-old software developer in SIlicon Valley (seriously).
But today, the path is different. To the outside eye, it may look bold, chaotic, and depending on the audience, downright irresponsible. To the inside eye, it is the New American Dream.
What is this new path? Harnessing the human and machine clouds - the new tools powering each changemakers ability to drive 10x change.
How will we harness it? By stepping into the world of Matthew R Mottola and Matthew Coatney, product leaders who have spent their careers building this new world of work, we will learn the forces driving our unique path, and tangible action items we can implement today.